Rules and Regulations

  • The last person out is responsible for securing the building by locking both doors and setting the alarm.
  • We ask that there is no smoking in the buildings. We do offer designated smoking areas.
    We ask that cigarette butts and waste must be deposited in supplied receptacles.
  • We ask that common areas must be kept clean. When using the kitchen, please put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher and wipe down the counter.
  • All tenants are to park in the backspaces leaving spaces nearest the building for visitors. Because parking is at a premium, please park carefully to avoid taking up more than one space.
  • Overnight parking of vehicles is not allowed. Vehicles left unattended for more than two consecutive nights will be towed.
  • Parking of vehicles with oil leaks will not be tolerated. Offenders will be charged with clean-up costs.
  • Loud music in the parking lots and common areas is not permitted.
  • Loitering in the parking lots or common areas is not permitted.
  • Pets are not permitted in the buildings unless they are service therapy dogs.